Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Sorry for repeating the fitness. It was an accident.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Talking about fitness; I'm gonna jog during winter, every weekend. I know that my school has Phys. Ed. but it's not enough. I am 14 year old, I may be small but I'm strong.Some of my friends tease me because I'm short. How annoying, But I got used to it already so it doesnt really matter to me anymore. I have a rason why I want to jog. My reason is because I need/want to loose a few pounds (for fun). Well... as you know what I'm gonna say,
That's all!


Talking about fitness; I'm gonna jog during winter, every weekend. I know that my school has Phys. Ed. but it's not enough. I am 14 year old, I may be small but I'm strong.Some of my friends tease me because I'm short. How annoying, But I got used to it already so it doesnt really matter to me anymore. I have a rason why I want to jog. My reason is because I need/want to loose a few pounds (for fun). Well... as you know what I'm gonna say,
That's all!


Talking about fitness; I'm gonna start jogging during winter, weekends. I know that I have sports in school, but it's not really enough. I am 14 year old. I may be small, but I'm strong. I need to loose a few pounds. Everyone always tease me because I'm short. I wanna learn martial arts (maybe).
That's all!

Feeling lonely

Everytime I feel lonely at home. I have 3 sisters include me and a little brother. Both my sisters are very close together but not me and my little brother....what can I say, he is 4/5 years old. He hates me and bully me eg.(kick, box and stuff like that) although I'm older than him. My younger sister, she always doesn't help me do things to help me but when my elder sis ask her to help, she will. My younger sister always thinks she older than me, but she's not. Sometimes I hate being in this family. Sometimes my younger sis broke my promise that I told her to keep. I REALLY HATE MY LIFE sometimes!!!!!!! When my sis ask my mom like how to become a siner and stuff like that my mom will tell her, but when Iask my mom she'll say don't know. I really hate it! It's not fair! Whenever I ask both my sis something politely, they'll shout at me. When they shout at me I said nevermind.
All I ever want is freedom and become an actress; but I don't know how to be in the film. I know that you have to take auditions and stuff like that but I don't know where, when, and which auditions cos' I don't know which show have an auditions or get in the show.
That's all, i guess :(

Friday, March 27, 2009


Well...I'm soooo into japanese dramas and anime! They are veeery interesting!And I am so addicted to it already! I want to go japan, tokyo. Not sure why..but go there to explore and see. My favourite show is... most japanese show.I love it! Oh! I forget to mention that I love japanese song too!
Well that's all!
